Tuesday, 20 November 2012

100 days to Christmas | Christmas music favourites {guest post}

A guest post today, from Alison at Life in the Slow Lane.

I LOVE Christmas! I love everything about it......the sparkly lights, the Christmas trees, the ornaments, the smells, the music.....especially the music! By about the second week in November, the box of Christmas CDs is out and being played...and I usually start looking on Amazon in October to see who is releasing new Christmas Albums.

Much as I like to add to my collection, many of my favourites are by older artists ......Number 1 on that list being the ANDY WILLIAMS CHRISTMAS ALBUM

This was the first non-traditional Christmas carol album my mum had in the house when we were younger...and the first time we had heard Christmas SONGS as opposed to Carols. It was also the first time I had heard 'O HOLY NIGHT', which remains one of my favourite Christmas listens: I have it by so many different artists now, but Andy is still my No.1 version!

I have chosen another six CDs which I always go back to

1. 'NOEL'  by  JOSH GROBAN .....I love all the songs on this, but track 6 (THANKFUL) is one I play over and over.

2. 'A CHRISTMAS GIFT FOR YOU'  by various artists from Phil Spector ( I know he is a convicted murderer, but he DID produce good music!!).....this is a real sing-and-dance-around-kitchen-to album

3. 'MERRY CHRISTMAS' by MARIA CAREY..... what's not to love- especially 'ALL I WANT FOR CHRISTMAS IS YOU'?!

4. 'THE CHRISTMAS ALBUM' by FRANK SINATRA.....another 'oldy but goody' with a good mix of 'songs' and 'carols'

5. 'HOME ALONE CHRISTMAS' (compilation from the movie)......you will be amazed by some of the really beautiful music/songs on this one!

6.'CHRISTMAS WITH THE PUPPINI SISTERS' by THE PUPPINI SISTERS....I discovered this one last year...a retro sound, but really up to date and fun at the same time!

Are any of these familiar to you?...or maybe I've given you a few ideas to add to your own collection...and I'd love to know if you have a favourite that I should add to MY collection..you can never have too much Christmas music- at least, not in this house!


  1. I must admit....that while I do love christmas music....I don't really like to hear it until December....and then I play it all the time!!
    My favourite album is a compilation with about 48 songs on it....not sure what it's called....as it's still in the roof [not being December yet!!].
    My favourite christmas song is The Pogues 'Fairytale of New York].

  2. I've got the Andy Williams one too! And I have the Phil Spector one as a vinyl LP!!! Sadly no record player to play it:(

  3. Some of these I don't know at all - but I do remember Any Williams rich and mellow voice... I'm a bit of traditionalist and love Carols from Kings College, Cambridge.

  4. We pull out the Christmas music (& all things Christmas!) after Thanksgiving (this Thursday), and I'm looking forward to hearing some soon! We have quite a few movie soundtracks.

  5. Our Christmas tracks are all on free CDs that you get with newspapers ... still love the ambiance they give though.

  6. Oh, Alison, you and my daughter! She is so crazy about Christmas music that she listened to it all year long.

  7. I've tagged you in the Liebster Awards!


  8. I've been enjoying hearing Christmas music and Oh Holy Night is one of my faves too!! ~ Blessings, Tracey


  9. I *love* O Holy Night - I love singing it with my church Christmas choir, and I'm always a bit disappointed when it isn't included in the programme :) Apart from choir rehearsals though I'm not ready to hear Christmas music till December, and ideally after The Boy's birthday on the 7th.... My fave CD is a compilation one of all the classics (Fairytale in New York, A Spaceman Came Travelling, Gaudete, etc!)

  10. Great post Alison! I love how you can listen to these mellow tunes!! I wish I could wind down enough to do it but sadly I'm always in a mad frenzy at the end of the year finishing off for the new year so only really get into it literally the day before!!

  11. Wow! That's quite a collection, Alison. I only have a couple of Christmas mix c.d.'s that don't really get played much. We have a couple of local radio stations that play Christmas music exclusively from right after Thanksgiving through the end of the year. It's fun to see you over here behind the purple door. ;o)

  12. You've given me some new ideas of CD's to check out. I've got a couple of the ones you mentioned and I love Andy Williams singing "O Holy Night". Now that it's December I'll have to get them out.

  13. I'm a big fan of anything Bing Crosby and, for me, it is truly the Christmas season when I find (make) the time to watch Holiday Inn and White Christmas.

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