Thursday, 17 January 2013

Simply a moment | January

The shower is dripping. The light is on in the kitchen. Riley is talking to Douglas while Douglas plays a game on the computer. Natalie is already snuggled into bed, tired after a busy day at vacation care. My nails keep tapping on the screen of the iPad, missing letters and making typos.

Steve sits beside me, tidying up the files on the laptop he just sold on eBay. He's sipping a glass of wine, talking about going to bed early, knowing that he fell asleep in the chair last night.

I'm ready for bed, the effect of too many early mornings and insomnia is finally catching up. Cold case has just started on tv, although we've seen every episode, we like to watch them again.

It's simply a moment on Thursday night.

{linking up with Alexa}


  1. That's a splendid photo to go with your evocative moment: what a great and personal perspective, Cate! I understand completely about missing letters and typos too :). I really enjoyed reading your family evening moment and thank-you so much for joining in, and welcome! I do hope you had fun doing it too.

  2. A real family moment IPad has a mind off it's own sometimes!
    Alison xx

  3. Sounds like a lovely family moment :)

  4. sounds very familiar to me ... lovely simple evening


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