Sunday, 10 March 2013

sunday sessions | the teen years

Last week, I shared songs from the 80s. I was 13 in 1987 when that George Michael song was popular. A teenager. So what was popular music for me in those days?

The biggest influence for all those years was New Kids on the Block

My sister and I spent every cent we had buying the Australian and American magazines and plastering our walls with posters.

This is a linky party. The rules are, there are no rules! Share a post this week that you've written about music, and don't forget to visit the other links!
{There's no button this week, I forgot to make one}



  1. New Kids!!! Donny Walburg was my favourite. I wasn't a huge huge fan like you and your sister, but my friend was. Her bedroom was one big shrine to New Kids. Those were the days! lol

  2. I too liked New Kids On The Block!!
    I've shared some songs from the late '80s too!!
    (Sounds like we are the same age)!!

  3. NKOTB was major but I wasn't big on them... I missed that teen boat for some reason...

  4. How fun! I was graduating from high school in 1987. I grew up listening to Southern Gospel & Country Music! :>)

  5. I had a thing for NKOTB in my youth - Jordan was my favourite! Thanks for the trip down memory lane!

  6. 1987 was the year I started teacher's college. It was a good year!! I would have danced to this song at nightclubs a LOT! :)

  7. Thanks for hosting! I love Step by Step by NKOTB, that really gets stuck in my head.


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