Tuesday, 21 May 2013

day 21 | favourite posts

Reading my old posts is something I don't do very often, although the whole purpose of keeping this online space is to capture the memories. But every now and again I'm reminded of something that I know I wrote about, and I set off to hunt it out. I follow the trail of links from one post to another, and soon I'm smiling, laughing, remembering those moments, exactly like I'm supposed to!

As you can imagine, almost 6 years and over 1000 posts means there's a lot to trawl through when deciding on favourite posts. Including simple posts like this shows where I started from.

And I've obviously been asking why others blog for a long time.

And my kids behaviour has driven me mad for a long time

There's Natalie's first steps

This recipe for chicken filo with spinach and feta is still the.most.clicked.ever. post

There's the post reminder about the day Chloe left.

And the scrapbook page I did when I discovered I was pregnant with Riley.

There's round up posts that make me smile

And round up posts that make me wish things were different

There's the start of a series

And a reminder that I haven't been taking note of changes

There's firsts

And posts that still make me cry

There's the reminder of how close we came to losing it all

And a definition of housework

There's insightfulness

There was a teenager under our roof for a while

And posts about creative growth

There's words to my husband

And to my daughter

There's product reviews

And tutorials

And lots and lots of recipes {milo slice is still a favourite}

There's snippets of life

And changes of plan

And so much of our lives poured into this little space.

How often do you re-read your old posts?

1 comment

  1. What a wonderful look back at some of your posts! At the end of each year, I work my way back through the previous year as I format the posts into a blog book and I occasionally scroll back through or search to find something I've written about.


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