Tuesday, 4 June 2013

month in numbers | may

linking up with Notes On Paper
card available here


  1. Goodness ... I seem to have spent this morning leaving comments for various MinN bloggers who've felt unwell in May. I usually love it when there's a common thread through people's posts but 'sickness' isn't one I'd wish!

    I hope the parcels you received were the kind that would brighten your days. I'm guessing there may have been some baby things in there somewhere!

    Thanks for sharing how you used your printable too - works perfectly!

    I've added you to the board now Cate: http://pinterest.com/notesonpaper/my-month-in-numbers/

    Happy June to all of you.

    Julie :-)

  2. Hope you are all feeling better now

    Yay to the non snoring


  3. Hope you are ok now x
    Snoring is a real nightmare isn't it :(

  4. nights without snoring ... that's good but insomnia is not so good. Keep well Cate.

  5. Hope the insomnia is being kept at bay, and that al are feeling better now. Love hpw you used Julie's printables. J x

  6. Sorry to read how you've not been well in the sleep department :(. Hope that is improving. And love your pretty listing.

  7. Hope you are now getting some sleep - insomnia is miserable. Love how you have displayed your numbers


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