Tuesday, 25 March 2014

things I'd tell my daughter

source via pinterest
Dear Chloe

You're at the pointy end of your school years, only 18 months left

{I hope you don't even consider going to schoolies!}

You've probably had lots of people asking what you want to do with your life

what subjects you'll study to get you there

what university you'll apply for

And I've always advocated that tertiary education is important

But I've also said I don't think going on to tertiary education straight from high school is the right choice for every one

The drop out rates are too high

The number of students who fail after their first taste of freedom is high

And as long as you don't completely close off your mind to maybe doing tertiary education later, I'll support your choice now

What is it that you plan to do with your life?

Does it fill your heart with passion and excitement?

If it doesn't, then reconsider your plans

But if you get that funny feeling in the pit of your stomach, and you smile every time you think about it, and you see fresh ideas related to it everywhere you turn, then it's a winner

Follow your heart, sweet girl.

Linking up with Essentialy Jess for IBOT



  1. I agree. I would encourage my girls to take a gap year if that is what they wanted to do. Looking back I think I would have taken my uni studies much more seriously if I had some real life experience first. As it was I mastered the art of scraping by on the least amount of effort possible. (Which is also a good life skill to have).

    1. I took a gap year and I still mastered that art, LOL! It wasn't until I went back for postgrad studies after having my first child that I really knuckled down!

  2. Love it. Although, I also think it's possible that there's no one thing that will give you that sense of excitement yet - it can come with time and experience - and that's okay too.

  3. I love your approach Cate - I think there's a huge amount of wisdom captured in that note. Looking back now I wish very much that I'd taken a year off. It may have saved years of troubles later!

  4. I love that image quote! Also great advice for Chloe :)

  5. Perhaps the best advice a mother can giver her child, beautiful words, I hope she follows her heart and her dreams come true xx Josefa #teamIBOT

  6. We have the same kind of thinking. My sister is in her last year of high school and even though I think tertiary education is important (and she will do will in it) I don't think it's a race either and she might benefit from something like a gap year. But she doesn't really listen to her older sister :) so I'm sure she will go straight to university. Visiting you from #IBOT.

  7. Fabulous post, my oldest is currently in year 11 and wants to go to uni...doesn't want to go to schoolies yay!!!! She is hesitant to even think about a gap year, because she worries she won't be motivated enough to continue onto Uni afterwards. I am encouraging her to travel after she finishes her degree, it's only a few extra years....

  8. Oh this is so precious Cate. It certainly is a tough time of life, I remember chopping and changing what I wanted to do because I tried as much as I could to follow what I wanted to do...but the end of uni was 10 years ago and since then I've done many different things and quite honestly it's all in your life experience that determines your path. I took a year off after highschool before studying and it's the best thing I did. It gave me some clarity and I got a whole year of full time work experience which made me realise what I wanted to do and study.

  9. Beautiful letter, and I'm with you a hundred percent. The world needs passionate people, and that happens when people are doing what they love.

  10. Such beautifully composed thoughts. I wish I had had someone to tell me all those things at her age :). She is a lucky girl to have such a Wise One in her life.


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