Saturday, 11 October 2014

writing your first post (and some examples)

So, you've been following along, you've decided you want to start a blog and now you need to write your first post. But the washing needs to go in the machine, and the kids need chocolate muffins for afternoon tea, and look, pretty shiny things on pinterest!

I wrote my first blog post back in the days when I was sharing my scrapbook pages. By my second post I had the hang of sharing important stuff with the world, but I hadn't figured out photos yet. {I still use that savoury muffin recipe to this day}

My point is, putting yourself out there, in front of all those many people who have heard of blogs before, who write blogs, and have heard of awesome bloggers like Veggie Mama and Fat Mum Slim, well, it's bluddy hard work. But you can hit publish on that post.

You've already done the hard stuff, setting it up; writing is easy. You know how to write, string sentences together, mix words in a way that gets people reading. Now hit publish, and go and have a hot cup of tea (or your beverage of choice.)

And if you still need some inspiration, check out this post on Veggie Mama's facebook page and blog, lots of first posts in the comments



  1. This is the best advice - too many people wait until everything is "just perfect" before they make that 1st post. But nothing is ever going to be perfect! You've just got to start - we all cringe a little when we go back and look at those early posts, but it's the doing it that helps you get better :)

  2. Yep, I always say just do it! Like ripping off a bandaid.

  3. I'm enjoying reading your series Cate. Thanks for sharing.


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