Saturday, 22 November 2014

seen around the web

How to make mason jar salads  |  The Organised Housewife  |  this looks good enough to tempt non-salad-eating me to make some better choices

The art of keeping a journal  |  Katie Clemmons via The Art of Simple  |  "And to be honest, we just need to know we have a voice, and that our story matters."

Ornaments and their stories mini album  |  Monika at I love it All  |  I have had this on my list for forever. I've purchased photo albums, taken photos of ornaments, designed my template for words. And that's it. Until now.

5 tips for avoiding memory keeper burnout  |  Documenting Life Workshop  |  As I scroll through my list of bookmarks, I realise that the posts about scrapbooking and creativity are jumping out and catching my attention. I think it's time to figure out how to fit them back into my every day.

Going analogue in a techy world  |  Laura Rothlisberger at Life Your Way  |  I love my bullet journal. It totally makes sense to me to expand it a bit to a journal and catcher of all words.

Paper & pen or electronic?

1 comment

  1. Great links on here - I really enjoyed the journalling one and found a new blog to follow at the same time!


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