Saturday, 9 May 2015

10 Bloggers I Love to Read

Today's prompt share ten bloggers you love to read regularly. Sharing links to other bloggers is a great way to say thank you to them
I've been reading blogs almost as long as I've been writing them. Over time I've come to believe that the best writers are those who read widely, so I read a huge variety of topics, from the scrapbooking friends I've made over the years to small blogs grown big, and big blogs grown bigger. At the heart of everything I read is story, a story I can relate to in some way. In no particular order, these are some of the blogs I love to read.

PaperTurtle I've shared Deb's blog before, and my reasons haven't changed. She's generous with her stories and knowledge, and is happy to change as she grows.
Daily Life - Bits & Pieces Those of you blogging every day in May will have seen Melissa around this month. She's another generous with stories, and full of FUN.
The Art of Simple I've been reading the Art of Simple for a very long time, through babies and name changes and format changes. I don't read every post, but I often find that when I do open a post, it's just what I need to see in that moment.
Picklebums Kate was one of the very first Australian bloggers I discovered. Now that Sophie is starting to get into everything, it's an excellent resource for kid activities (and her stories about crappy days are pretty honest)
Finding Myself Young Toni and I are friends, but she has no idea I'm adding her to this list. Over the last two years I've watched (and sometimes helped) as she's grown her blog to something awesome, and I love it when she shares pieces of herself with the world.
Perfect Enough for Us Krystal is a relatively new blogger, but she's got some great stories to share about first-time-parenthood, days I vaguely remember.
Kelly Purkey Another blog I've been reading a long time. She's recently changed the focus of her blog to a lot less personal stories (and there's a great episode on Elise Gets Crafty where she discusses why the change), but it's still a great read.
Modern Mummy Mayhem Gayel is another friend doing awesome things. I love that she has the courage to say things without censoring herself.
Karenika Another from the long-time-read pile. I've long admired Karen's scrapbooking style, and her thoughtful pondering often make me pause.
From High in the Sky If you're here from the scrapbooking world, you no doubt know Sian's unmistakeable style. If not, head on over, her words are wise, and her pages are beautiful.

Gosh, that was harder to put together than I thought it would be! I hope you find a new blog to read amongst this list!

Tomorrow's prompt  what is the most important lesson your mother taught you? It's Mothers Day in Australia, so let's celebrate by remembering the things our mums taught us.

{life behind the purple door}



  1. Aw - you are so sweet, Cate. Thanks for the shout out! The feeling is quite mutual ~ I'm a fan of your blog too! xo

  2. Woot I made the list. You made mine too lol and inspired me to write a post today.

  3. What a great prompt! I can't wait to visit some of the blogs that are new to me!

  4. You are so lovely - thank you so much. I feel honoured to have been included on such an amazing list of bloggers!!!

  5. I am looking forward to finding some new blogs to read through this link up!

  6. Oh Cate, I am so honored that I made your list today!! I am having so much FUN with the INSPIRATION to blog every day. I see a few new-to-me blogs on your list - heading off to check them out!

  7. I can't wait to check out the blogs you mentioned.

  8. It's always great to find out about new blogs to read and friends to make
    Jo xxx

  9. Gosh some of those are new to me so am looking forward to checking them out.


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