Tuesday, 12 May 2015

Dear Chloe | Today you are Seventeen

Today's prompt write a letter to someone. It's Chloe's birthday today, so I'm going to write my annual letter to her. Is there someone in your life you need to write to?
Dear Chloe

What an amazing young woman you have grown into.

(but I can still see pieces of the little girl you were)

You know what I realised yesterday as I wrapped your present up (late) to send?
Soon you'll be gone.
And not the same way you're gone now,

But, you'll be living your own life, wherever that path leads you.

You're on the path to adulthood, making your own decisions, living your own way.

And I know that we've all made mistakes with you

But I also know that you've overcome those mistakes to become the person you are today.

Loving. Respectful. Friendly. Thoughtful.

All the things that any parent hopes for their children.

You have become an amazing almost-adult

Your journey to awesome adult is almost complete.

Happy Birthday, Chloe.

Tomorrow's prompt wordless wednesday share a photo from yesterday 

{life behind the purple door}



  1. Lovely letter Cate...Happy Birthday to Chloe xx

  2. That is a neat idea to write a letter each year on your child's birthday. I think my letter is going to be for my grandma who is no longer with us. Happy Birthday to Chloe

  3. Happy Birthday to Chloe - what a beautiful young lady!

  4. A beautiful letter for a beautiful young woman. Happy Birthday Chloe!

  5. This post/letter melts me in all kinds of ways, Cate. A very happy birthday to your special Chloe. ♥

  6. Such an exciting age with the world at her feet. Lovely letter Cate. X


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