Wednesday 6 May 2015

Food We Eat

Today's prompt foods we eat. Do you menu plan, or fly by the seat of your pants each day? Do you eat the same foods over and over, or try new foods regularly?
We don't eat the best diet in this house. I menu plan, because that makes shopping easier, but as I heard a friend recently describe it, we eat "5 year old food" (although her 5 year old happily eats veggies, mine gag at the thought)

Roast chicken and roast pork would be at the top of everyone's favourite food list, followed by chicken parmigana (with bacon and plenty of melty cheese. Except for 5 year olds, who just eat crumbed chicken and no cheese.)

Sophie eats corn with every meal. It's just about the only thing you can guarantee she will eat (and chocolate. She loves chocolate.) Douglas hated pumpkin when he was little, but often asks for seconds now.

Sausages, mac&cheese, crumbed chicken, chips, chips, chips.

Vegetable-averse children make eating a balanced meal hard. And in all honesty, the effort to cook food that will just be thrown out doesn't seem worth it to me.

Maybe I need to take inspiration from previous attempts at month-long meal planning? Or at least try something new every week for variety. I haven't even read the last two cooking magazines that hit my iPad!

How do you get out of a cooking slump?

Tomorrow's prompt  top five movies of all time what movies do you have to watch over and over again, every time they're on tv?

{life behind the purple door}



  1. We menu plan, but I usually only come up with it the morning we're going shopping and we're quite habitual so eat similar things a lot of the time. Although I have been forcing Trent {who acts like a 5yr old and doesnt really like veggies} to eat stirfrys lately so we've pretty much been having that once a week. Bub has her own dinners usually corned beef and veggies, spaghetti or casserole.

    1. I must give stirfries a try, I don't think I've cooked in a very long time!

  2. I used to do month long meal planning in various forms, but weekly is what has seemed to stick.
    We also have people in this house that wont eat certain things, but I try to cook at least on thing in each meal that someone will eat. But Ethan is convinced he doesn't like vegetable unless it's mashed potato. But I recently converted him to mashed sweet potato and honey carrots too, so that's something. And Mahli refuses to eat spaghetti bolognese so she request a toasted sandwich on those nights.

    1. mashed potato is a food group here, too. I think the cooking something everyone eats is part of the problem, but I'm not sure how to get past it

  3. Even with adult children meal planning is tricky. But I only cook ONE meal now. If they don't like it, they are on their own! :)

    1. I've only ever cooked one meal... maybe if I cooked two I'd eat a little better

  4. I'm in a cooking slump right now & am also looking for motivation to get out of it and to eat healthier! I think it's a journey, sometimes I'm in a slump, other times I'm doing well.

    1. eating healthier is my goal, for me and them.

  5. I manu plan a week at a time though I'd like to do a fortnight! As I'm not eating any grains, it's a nice new challenge :).

    1. I'm not ready to give up grains, but I bet it is a challenge finding foods without them.


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