Thursday, 7 May 2015

5 movies I watch over and over

Today's prompt top five movies of all time what movies do you have to watch over and over again, every time they're on tv?
You know, when I wrote this prompt, I was sure I would be listing my favourite chick flicks. But the more I thought about it, the more I realised that I don't watch them over and over. I don't change channels if I spot them on the tv guide, but I do change channels for these movies.

Wizard of Oz no matter how close to the end, I'll change channels for the Wizard of Oz. And it's usually on late, so I'm watching by myself, which makes it even more fun.
Taken is it possible to say Liam Neeson has aged gracefully? I've watched the Taken movies over and over again, and I still jump when the daughter gets dragged from under the bed.
The Lake House this was one of the first movies Steve and I went to the cinema to see, so we love watching it together. And I enjoy the slightly weird storyline.
Deja Vu another weird storyline, but so good to watch unravel. Steve enjoys this one, too, so it's great for weekend unwinding.
Monsters Inc I love the idea that the monster under the bed isn't the scary one in this movie. And that the underdog can get the laughs.

Are any of these on your must-watch list?

Tomorrow's prompt where do you go to clear your head? We all have that spot that makes us feel good when we visit, tell us about yours.

{life behind the purple door}



  1. Hi Cate! I'm linking up again. Still on track for blog every day in May. I decided to write about my favourite movies from my childhood - just for something different. Wizard of Oz was on my list too! x

  2. Taken is one of my favorite movies. I love it. There is a new taken 3 I can't wait to see it. Wizard of oz is another good movie. Another favorite of mine. I will be back tomorrow for my movies. Have a great night.

  3. The Taken movies are great, I've watched them a few times and would probably watch them again if I came across them on TV. Liam Neeson is a brilliant actor.

    This prompt was way harder than it should have been and I probably missed some great movies off my list....

  4. The Wizard of Oz is the only one on your list that I've seen . . . and it's definitely a favorite & worth watching multiple times!

  5. I've enjoyed Liam Neeson, but all his movies are the same. Monsters Inc and Toy Story could have both been on my list!

  6. Wizard of Oz is on my list as well. On my blog I did a few more than five. Gone with the Wind and Under the Tuscan Sun are a couple of other ones that are my favorite..


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