Wednesday 10 June 2015

Camping Adventures

Camping is something that has only been in my life for a few years, but is loved by everyone. The bickering kids never stop, food is still needed, but we get outside, into the sunshine (something that my days sorely lack) and breath the fresh air.

Linking up with My Little Drummer Boys for Aussie Wordless Wednesday
Pierced Wonderings for Photo Friday


  1. Camping is great. I always find I come home wondering if I really need all the stuff in my house after camping!

  2. I love camping! We haven't been in the longest time. Your photos are fantastic, Cate! I especially love that last one of Douglas!

  3. Don't quite have all the courage I need for solo camping but I can feel that it's getting close. Thanks for the photos. I need some updated ones.

  4. Looks like you had a fab time!!

  5. Great shots and memories - camping and ball games go together well.
    Thanks for linking up.

  6. Looks like you all had a wonderful time! I love the great outdoors and nature but haven't done much camping!

  7. Nothing like a campfire. I haven't been camping in years but my sis lives on acreage and every winter she has a family campfire, we have stew cooked in a camp oven with dumplings, and toast marshmallows afterwards. Great fun for all ages!

  8. How glorious! I just can't believe the blue of your skies ... Don't they all look happy?

  9. I love camping! Although we haven't been in quite awhile. We've entered the season of the year where it is just too hot to go. I'm hoping I can convince the husband to go in September when it cools down. Looks like a great time was had by all!

    Thank you for joining us for Photo Friday this week!

  10. Lovely photos! I've never been camping before but it's something I really want to try! - Tasha

  11. Great photos I could watch fire burn all night. I am not a camper though. And I know it's not the point but I am always curious about bloggers that camp if you have phone/net connection while away? Do you take a sabbatical?


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