Friday, 3 July 2015

6 questions to ask before ProBlogger

There's just 41 sleeps (6 weeks) until ProBlogger starts. If you're not starting to get excited yet, what's it going to take?!

I was pondering earlier this week what I needed to get ready, and came up with 6 questions I needed to answer. Knowing the answers to these questions will ease my nerves, and help make the whole event better for me.
  1. What does my family need? I still very much believe that I need to trust Steve, but he gets home from work at 5am, and I leave for ProBlogger at midday, so anything I can do to help him before I leave is worth doing. I'll do the grocery shopping, work out what meals he thinks he can cook, and then leave them to it.
  2. How will I capture memories? I know this might sound strange to some, but so much happens at conferences, it's easy to get home and forget everything. And the scrapbooker in me wants to pull together some sort of mini album, too. The best way to remember events is to journal them. Don't just take notes during the conference, but at the end of the night spend ten minutes writing about the sounds, smells, tastes, sights, how you're feeling. You can do this via a blog post, or the old fashioned way with pen and paper (and the bonus is you'll have posts written for when you get home, and in a year's time you can look back and feel it all over again)
  3. Who do I want to speak to? This is so important! I've heard so many stories of bloggers getting home, chatting in facebook groups and saying "sorry I didn't get to meet you" Pick five people each day you want to seek out and say hello to. By the end of the conference, you'll have spoken to twenty extra people.
  4. What is my story? Knowing your why for being at conference makes it easier to take information in during the sessions. and being able to tell people, without getting tongue tied, about your blog is so important. Work out your elevator pitch, and practise it!
  5. How will I stand out in the crowd? There's a lady in the event facebook group who keeps mentioning her gold boots. I can't remember her name, but I'll know to seek out her boots and say hi. In a sea of almost 700 people, how will you be visible to others? (As I've been shopping for clothes over the last few months, I've been setting aside things to take with me. I realised recently that after years of avoiding purple, that I have several purple pieces. You'll recognise me easily!)
  6. Do I need to purchase anything? Do you need any technology? Stationery? Business cards? Clothes? Shoes? New underwear? Shampoo? It's time to take an inventory and see what's missing. I've found one of the hardest parts of going away is discovering the day before that two kids need new shoes and no one has beanies. Spreading the cost out over the next 6 weeks is much more friendly to the budget.
If I can answer all these questions, I think I'll be well on the road to having an awesome experience.

Can you think of anything I've forgotten?


  1. I am sooooooooo jealous. Have a wonderful time and seek out all those awesome bloggers out there. Tell em I said HI!!! Instagram is the way to snap it all...All day long. xx (I havent commented for a while and ill admit I dont read every post but I will let you know I lurk here...A big hello from The Windmill Paddock!!

  2. Sounds like you're doing some great preparation! It's going to be wonderful & I'm looking forward to reading all about it!

  3. You sound like you're more than prepared Cate. Can't wait to hear and read all about it when you are back. x

  4. I can't wait!! I'm so excited to finally meet you! I think my head will explode with information. Just so much to take in...

  5. Number 2 is a winner for me :-) Great idea - capturing all the senses! I'm really looking forward to learning heaps and meeting people at the PB Event :-)


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