Monday, 13 July 2015

Hello Monday

hello, lunch date with Steve away for work every week, we don't get much time together without kids, so we like to sneak off every now and again and enjoy lunch at our favourite pub [Sophie comes with us]

hello, cold snap there's been much in the media recently about the cold snap Queensland is experiencing at the moment. I'm still waiting for it to appear, it gets this cold every winter [love our gas heater]

hello, problogger I know you'll get sick of reading about it eventually, but there's only 31 sleeps to go! I'm not sure which is more exciting, showering without visitors, or talking blogging for four days.

hello, crafting Caitlin and I still get together every Wednesday, but we've both been slack about actually creating. That needs to change, starting this week.

hello, Monday, a new start every week


  1. It always seems strange to think of you welcoming winter as we are enjoying summer! Your kids going back to school while we are counting the days to the summer holidays. Enjoy those lunch dates - even if you do have to bring your little chaperone with you!

  2. Wow - it is getting closer & closer to Problogger time! The only thing cool around here is the air blowing from the air conditioner - it's in the high 90s (or over 100) here every day now! :)

  3. Getting some time to yourself sounds so important - and oh!, the bliss of no interruptions in the bathroom. You have reminded me how tough it is with little ones.


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