Monday, 20 July 2015

Hello Monday

Hello, dentist. I mentioned on the facebook page last week that I made the phone call after weeks of putting it off. I've been in pain for a while, but last night it woke me up, so I'm glad my appointment was already booked. I'm embarrassed to go and open my mouth, and I'm scared, too. But I was reminded over the weekend that this is a BRAVE year, and I'll be ok.

Hello, helping in class. I haven't done it for a few years, having had little ones at home for years. But Riley really wanted me to "write my name down", and his teacher was ok for Sophie to come if she wasn't disruptive. We'll see how it goes.

Hello, scrapbooking. Deb suggested I scrap the group photo of us from this post. And I thought that was such a great idea (why didn't I think of it!) that I printed out the photo, and that's as far as it got. This week I'm pulling out paper and actually creating the page.

Hello, wet weather. It's been cold for a couple of weeks (cold enough to make the media, because Queensland only gets cold for a couple of months each year), but now the rain is starting to close in, looks like a wet week ahead of us.

Hello, Monday. A new start every week.

linking up with Kirsty, Eva & Alicia


  1. Hello!!!! Lots happening in your world! I haven't been to the dentist in ages so I probably should brave it as well. It is a tad scary! And col, in Melbourne it is freezing! No snow but cold that I just don't even want to go outside! Hope you have a good week

  2. My dentist appointment is Wednesday. It's to replace an old filling that is giving me grief but I suspect I may actually end up losing the tooth.

  3. I love this idea to greet each Monday with a positive frame of mind and some practical goals to frame the week. Do you mind if I use this as a future prompt base for I Must Confess, Cate (with credit to you)?

  4. I used to dread the school helper thing too - glad to see I'm not the only one! Yes, I think we Queenslanders have had our three days of Winter now and back to more moderate temperatures ;-)

  5. Hope the dentist visit wasn't too painful. I recently went after YEARS of putting it off. Scrap booking is something I've only done once, but I did like it so not sure why. Just lazy, I guess. Having a Monday list sounds like a great idea. Hope the weather improves for you.

  6. That is a great shot, seeing them all grouped together like this... Hoping the dentist's visit is successful and you are out of pain very soon.

  7. I just did my yearly appointment at the dentist. I alway book these things around my birthday.. As my pressie

  8. I put of going to the dentist too. I always go knowing they have probably seen worse! It's bitterly cold this week, even though the sun was out. Not long now until Spring :)


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