Saturday, 17 October 2015

Countdown to Christmas | Planning Ahead

I've been counting down to Christmas since September 16th. If you're an old reader around these parts, you know I used to run a series called 100 days to Christmas each year (which is way harder than it seems, especially if you don't decide to start until the day before!) It's just about the only time of year that I'm a little bit organised. (But I don't have it mastered! I'm often still wrapping on Christmas Eve!)

As another person said to me last week "I'm not ready for Christmas, make it stop!" I realised that getting ready for Christmas often isn't high on people's agendas until the last minute. But it's because they waited until the last minute that the stress is happening.

So, let's go on a journey together for the next ten weeks, and kick Christmas stress out the door!
First, let me point out that I don't have all the answers. Secondly, this countdown is more specifically aimed at people who don't celebrate Thanksgiving, purely because I don't celebrate so I don't know how to slot all the tasks in a shorter period of time.

One of the best things I ever did to get on top of Christmas was create a planning binder. I haven't used one for the last couple of years, and I get to Boxing Day and wonder why. This year, I'm returning to using a binder, because pen and paper always makes me feel a little more in control.

With just ten weeks to go to Christmas, the first thing to do, once you've downloaded the calendar (sign up here for my newsletter, and it's yours) is to add everything that you already know is happening in the next ten weeks. Any recurring events (for me, that's my monthly book club), and one-off activities, and Christmas activities that always happen, write them down. (It also helps to print the calendar on cardstock, if you've got it, it will be harder wearing as it gets flicked around in your binder)

Once you've done that, sit down and give yourself a pat on the back, you've got this stress-free Christmas business in the bag.

Next week, we'll talk inspiration.



  1. I looooooove Christmas! I get super prepared during the year buying gifts in advance, then forget where I put them. Fail!

    1. oops! you need a list of all your hiding places so you know where to look come Christmas Eve

  2. Really interested to read this, as I always feel more organised to have something written down rather than added to an online diary page!

  3. I really should do this because I'm hosting Christmas here for the first time this year.

  4. I love this! Just what I need! We'll be moving house shortly before Christmas so I'm getting as organised as possible in advance so it's a stress-free move and Christmas :-D

  5. This year I haven't thought much about Christmas yet, but it's time to do a little planning!


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