Monday, 28 December 2015

Hello Monday

People complain when Monday rolls around each week, and wish away the week for another weekend. I intend to embrace the new start that is each Monday, and focus on the joy it can bring. This slow week between Christmas and New Year is full of introspection, and thoughtfulness.
hello 2016 I don't think there's any way to escape the changes that roll around with each new year, so it's easier to embrace them. Maybe that's an acceptance that comes with age? Some of the changes peering out at me in 2016 include Sophie starting daycare, and Chloe moving to Tasmania for university. big changes

hello One Little Word ® since 2008 I've been choosing a word to guide my year. Some years they work really hard for me, and others I never hear a peep from after January first. That's mostly about the effort that I put into keeping the word front and centre each year. This year, I've had a word singing loudly to me since around August. It's still buzzing in my head, waiting for 2016 to escape.

hello planning It was inevitable that the need to plan was going to hit me. I've strolled through the last few years, whining about my inability to get "anything" done, when reality is that I wasn't planning to get things done. That changes in 2016.

hello goals For a few weeks now, I've been reading everything I can on goal-setting. I've attended webinars, and downloaded free planners and worksheets and newsletters. And I came to the conclusion yesterday that I have to stop reading, and start doing.

hello crafting While I'm doing all that introspection, I can't forget that it's still school holidays, and Steve is working this week, so kids need things to do. I saw a cute little craft on pinterest over the weekend that I'm hoping is easy enough for everyone, including Sophie, to do.

hello Monday, a new start every week

1 comment

  1. I remember choosing a word for the year after reading your post about it. You've reminded me to think about it again. I'm also needing to plan a lot now. Would love to know what planners you've downloaded 😊


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