Monday, 16 May 2016

Hello Monday

hello printing I took just over 500 photos for last week's Week In The Life™ project. But I completely forgot about taking notes about the happenings of the week, so I need to sit with the photos and a notepad (or maybe Evernote), and make notes before I forget. And I need to actually print the photos.

hello sewing I cut out the fabric for some new warm pants for Sophie last week, but never actually made it to the sewing machine. I need to get them sewn before she has a growth spurt and doesn't fit them any more. (I recently found a top ready to sew, dating back two years! No way she'll fit in that now!)

hello walking I was so very good about walking last year, but a flat pram tyre (that we haven't been able to replace), broken shoes, and the heat of summer have seen me making excuses and not walking. But over the last few days I've noticed a shortness of breath just walking up the stairs, so it's time to tackle exercise again.

hello time management I'm sorely lacking in my keep-on-top-of-everything abilities. And while Steve likes to think that it's an easy fix of staying up late to blog, it really isn't. For example, this blog post has taken around five hours to write, because there have been numerous interruptions from teens who missed school buses, toddlers wanting swings, and husbands who have all the answers. In all fairness, I was up at 6am this morning, but have wandered down many an internet rabbit hole, most recently, Camplify, where you can hire caravans or campers.

hello Monday, a new start every week.

linking up with My Home Truths, and One Mother Hen


  1. I love Camplify - what an awesome idea for a site. We've been wanting to try out a camper for ages but didn't want to fork out the money to buy one untested. I love the fact that we can now be matched with someone who owns one that's not in use - that is cool!

  2. Hi Cate, thank you for mentioning us! Just taking a quick scan of your blog... it sounds like your audience may be very similar to our member base - mostly families looking to explore Australia. If anybody of your members (RV owners or hirers) have questions about how Camplify works, they're more than welcome to email us directly at or message us via our Facebook page: Thanks again for the mention! Regards, Dave from Camplify :)

  3. My downfall, getting distracted on the internet. I was feeling like I am getting nowhere, but I realised over the week, I achieve a fair bit. I need to keep all my lists from the week and look back at all the things I actually crossed off and got done. My blog still gets a bit neglected though!


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