Tuesday, 3 January 2017

Us in January

Us Right Now is about captuing photos of the family unit, and each individual, and embracing their right now as it happens each month. It's the sometimes good bits and sometimes bad bits of life, told with words and photos.

We didn't take a family photo for Christmas Day, so this is the next best thing

We aren't doing well at embracing family meetings, we need to work on this together

We are embracing KIND as our word for 2017, but no one else knows yet

He is happy to be working, but is frustrated by the micromanaging from his boss

He is keen to travel more in 2017, and finally build the deck

She is glad the oven is finally fixed, the freezer is empty of gingerbread apple pies

She is keen to camp more in 2017

He is working hard to keep his anger at bay, even when the noise of the holidays gets too much

He wants to improve his school work and go somewhere fun in 2017

She is missing her friends these holidays, Sophie just doesn't cut it

She wants to improve her times tables, and not share a room with Riley in 2017

He is loving all his Christmas presents, especially the Iron Man action figure

He wants to improve his writing and have a sleep in in 2017

She is loving having the kids home for the holidays, but is way out of routine

She wants to be able to write and improve her speaking in 2017 [as told to Natalie]

(I used this New Years printable from Mumtastic to capture the kids words, and just asked Steve what he wanted from the year.)


  1. I love your round ups of what everyone is up to! A great way to look back and remember how things have progressed through the year.

  2. Admiring your ability to get everyone facing the camera, and not pulling faces :). And the little snippets about each person make for such an interesting read - it'll be something to measure the year against by the end?

  3. This is a lovely way to round up the year and think towards what everyone wants to achieve in the New Year, it's always motivating for me too as it reminds me of what I want to do too! Lovely post, and a Happy New Year to you all! - Tasha


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