Wednesday, 30 August 2017

How to make memories with Banana Bread

Hands down,  chocolate wins in our house every time. And, despite beings slightly over bananas, even this recipe has everyone from the biggest to the smallest coming back for another piece.

The best recipe blog posts are those that weave a story into the recipe, the why and wherefore of a recipe's life cycle in a household. The magic of seeing what and how other people eat and make is part of the allure of recipe blogs. To know that food ultimately comes down to bringing people together over a cup of tea and a piece of cake.

This recipe has no such origins of elegance. A free magazine from the supermarket, a glut of bananas in the fridge, and a desire to bake anything that wasn't a recipe I knew by heart. Perhaps that's how the best recipe memories are born.

1 cup brown sugar
1 ¾ cup self raising flour
¼ cup cocoa
½ cup chocolate chips
½ cup milk
2tsp white vinegar
150g butter, melted
2 eggs
2 bananas, mashed

* add vinegar to milk, allow to sit 10 minutes before use
* place flour, cocoa and sugar into bowl, whisk
* add choc chips to bowl, stir gently
* combine milk, eggs, banana, butter, and add to flour mix
* stir gently 
* pour into lined loaf pan
* bake 180°C 50-60min
* allow to completely cool before frosting

* mix 125g softened butter with electric beater until pale
* add 1 ½ cups icing sugar until combined
* add 1Tbs milk and 100g cooled melted white chocolate, combine
* spread frosting over cake

Perfect for supper, or a treat for lunch boxes.


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