Thursday, 14 December 2017

Gumnuts & Giveaways - Celebrating 100 years of May Gibbs

Inside - a review of the new Snugglepot and Cuddlepie books, and a chance to win your own copies.

This is a sponsored post in conjunction with Brand Meets Blog and May Gibbs Foundation

Consisting of tan brick buildings, called units, the primary school I attended in Country Victoria was located at the end of our street. With a series of offices in the middle of these units held together by the scariest, darkest walkways, I quickly found comfort through the library door in the middle of the tunnel. 

Mrs Newton, the librarian, with short grey hair and glasses on a string around her neck, was the epitome of school librarian in looks alone, she made reading more fun for the strugglers and supported the precocious advanced readers equally in my young mind. 

It was with awe and wonder that I sat listening on the mat as she read out the story of Snugglepot and Cuddlepie and all their friends. Living in wheat farm country on the edge of the desert set my imagination alive with stories of the Bush Babies. I still remember trudging through the sand at Noosa with my parents one sunny summer holiday and spying Banksia plants for the first time; that the characters were based on actual plants I could see all around me was amazing, and I still get a childish thrill to this day.

So it was with just a little bit of excitement that I quickly said yes when I was asked recently if I wanted to review the new books added to the May Gibbs collection (and offer you a giveaway, more on that below!)

Written by Jane Massam and illustrated by Caroline Keys the May Gibbs Foundation has released 4 new books inspired by the original works of May Gibbs to celebrate 100 years since the first release of the classic Tales of Snugglepot and Cuddlepie. Tales from the Bush, Tales from the Camp Fire, Tales from the Billabong and Tales from the Gum Tree all follow the short story style of books originally written by Ms Gibbs. Just a few pages long, they're perfect for big kids to read to younger siblings, but not too long for Mum to sit on the couch for a reading snuggle.

Each page contains beautiful illustrations of characters and the bush the live in, just right for exposing my city-living kids to the wonders of plants and the possibilities of a little imagination. I'm excited for lazy summer afternoons in the shade of the jacaranda tree, reading aloud to each other from these books.

So it's with a childish giggle that I'm giving you the opportunity to win your own copies of Tales from the Bush and Tales from the Camp Fire. Simply click through the Rafflecopter form below, and give it a go!

Competition is open from publication of this post, until 11.59pm Monday December 18th. Winners will be drawn December 19th and notified by email, and will have 3 days to claim their prize so items can be posted before Christmas. However, this does not mean you will receive your prize before Christmas. Please be sure to fill out your email address and answer the question "What is your first ever May Gibbs memory?"

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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