Monday, 22 January 2018

Hello Monday

Inside - Hello Monday is about embracing the week ahead, whether that's setting goals, or just telling the stories of the days.
hello school It's back to school day for big kids, and the start of the school journey for Sophie. Drop off did not go well for any of the girls (mum included), but tomorrow is a new day.

hello movies Steve and I are sneaking off to see the new Liam Neeson movie, The Commuter, tomorrow. The last movie we saw in the cinema was James Bond Spectre.

hello cleaning I've mentally created a small list of "things that need sorting", little things that always seem to wait for one day. I guess that means one day has finally arrived! First this week was the microwave cabinet, then Wednesday I'll tackle refolding all the towels and stacking them properly.

hello baking With back to school comes lunch box baking. And fussy children don't like frozen snacks, so this mama is crazy enough to bake a couple of times a week. Good thing I love baking.

hello walking I bought a new, expensive pair of runners just after Christmas, and have worn them once. But with everyone at school, I need to do drop offs and pick ups, which means getting my walk on. And once I get moving regularly, I'll start walking the dogs more regularly, too. Win win for all.

hello writing I was sick all of last week. So while Steve was home and it was the perfect opportunity to write, I couldn't do it. Now I'm finally better and school is back, I can figure out the best time and space to get stuck in again.

hello Monday, a new start every week.

linking up with One Mother Hen and Denyse Whelan


  1. Our school routines start again next week although my daughter had her first day of her uni chemistry bridging course today! It's the start of a new era for this family with two starting uni this year! Exciting times ahead!


  2. My sneakers just totally died on me yesterday. I was kind of annoyed. Plus I really hate shoe shopping! :)

  3. I remember those first day of schools too even though they were a LONG time ago for me! That horrible feeling walking home having left a child in tears at the classroom. It will get better - I promise. I hope they all came home with lots of tales to tell and that tomorrow will be a better drop off. I suspect it won't be the smallest one who takes the longest to settle, I think N may take a little longer if she has been separated from friends. Fingers crossed for you!

  4. I am so looking forward to school going back next week! A chance to catch up around the house, and yes, maybe do some walking with my new runners. I haven't found the motivation to bake as yet, but have been saving a few recipes that hopefully they will like...hopefully.

  5. I hope today's school run is better for all Cate - I saw your post and my heart hurt for your big girl, in particular. I do the same next week, with my big girl starting high school. I'm simultaneously looking forward to some alone time with everyone back at work and school and dreading the return of stress and routine!

  6. School isn't back yet here in NSW and I personally dread the start of school as I don't have kids but working with them means our numbers tend to increase! Hope you enjoy writing and walking! :)

  7. Oh dear not a great start to the school year. I hope things settle soon.

    Thank you for linking up for #lifethisweek 4/52. Next Week is the FIRST photo-centred prompt (no topic!) called #ShareYourSnaps. Looking forward to seeing everyone's photos every 5th week this year!


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