Monday, 23 July 2018

Hello Monday

Inside - Hello Monday is a semi-regular series attempting to flip Mondayitis upside down and claim back Mondays as the best day of the week.

hello packing boxes. As part of our long term renovation plans, I need to move my current desk space into my craft room. That means packing away the novels and books that are stacked on the shelves, to make way for a smaller shared space. Chances are that I'll never read the books again, but it still pains me to make books hide away in the dark. But at least they'll be safe from mountains of dust.

hello craft room organising. Moving my desk means that it's crunch time for the year-long craft room organising project. As I'm using the craft room more, and will be using it daily with my computer in there, the room needs to be functional, without piles of stuff randomly dropped on the floor. A home for everything, and everything in it's home. Or something like that.

hello drafting. As we dream of flipping our kitchen downstairs, we're hoping to tackle all the other little imperfections in our house - we only have one bathroom, and a shortage of bedrooms, and have long term plans for our ageing parents (or mine at least) to live with us. But while we talk through the changes we want to make, regularly, we don't actually have the ideas down on paper. Time to pull out the rusty drafting skills, and plot out our plans.

hello husband. Steve is unexpectedly home from work a week early, after having an equipment failure on the truck. That means he can get all those niggly little jobs that wait for him to be here done quickly, because next week he's hoping to be able to go visit his step-mum in Perth.

hello scrapbooking. I'm heading off for a 12 hour crop this Saturday. Really, it's just a chance to catch up with people I know, talk about stuff others understand, and create some pages. Since I've been trying to create every day over the last couple of months, it feels like a whole day of crafting will mean lots of finished pages, but it's away from home without kids so I may just sit and enjoy the quiet!

hello camera repairs. Back in May, right in the middle of my photography project, my camera lens jammed open. And despite googling, I can't seem to wiggle it or fix it, or even understand what might be wrong. So it's time to send it off to the repairman. Because I miss it.

hello Monday, a new start every week.

linking with Denyse Whelan and One Mother Hen.


  1. I've thrown out (well, donated) a lot of books in the past few years and it feels weird no matter how many times I do it. So weird. Most went to Lifeline so I know they'll likely end up at Bookfest and go to helping people though.

  2. Oh, so hard to part with books! But unless you want to end up on one of those TV programmes about hoarders who can't open the doors in their houses, it is necessary to let a few go. Sounds like there is a lot of re-organising going on at the moment - you'll have earned those hours away where you can get away from everything and just chat and craft. Enjoy!

  3. Hello you. We are mid way thru renovations and I feel like I have been moving stuff around my house forever. Tiz not fun. But the end result are always worth it. Happy Monday.

  4. Well this sounds like some action happening around your place and now the kids are back at school I hope you can get back to it. Hope you get your camera sorted. I ended up donating a lot of my books before the last move. I have only kept what is important for me. It was quite cathartic!

    Thank you for linking up for #lifethisweek. Next week's optional prompt is "If I Could" Denyse x


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