Wednesday, 2 January 2019

Cultivating 2019

Inside - choosing a word to guide 2019

Happy New Year, and welcome to 2019!

For the last ten years, I've been choosing a word to guide my year, but it's only in the last couple of years that I've actually started doing the work of keeping my word visible and learning more about it over the course of the year.

Those words, GROWTH and ACTION, still resonate inside me, feeling in part unfinished, but also very done.

So as I considered how I wanted 2019 to feel and grow, I realised that I still needed to build better habits, and grow better consistency, and community has popped up through my social media and volunteer role, and yet still no  one word felt right.

Then I stumbled on a conversation in the One Little Word® facebook group where someone else was feeling pulled towards similar things, and a few people responded with CULTIVATE as a suggestion.

After hitting up google, I realised that the last two definitions were exactly what I was looking for from my word this year.

To develop habits that support my goals.

To show up and develop consistency in all areas of personal and blog.

To go deeper where I'm at right now, with my creative practise, and other learnings.

To nurture space and community and foster kindness in my kids.

CULTIVATE encompasses all those things.

Now I just need to focus on doing the work!

I'm not setting goals in 2019 - David Burkus (via Potential Psychology)
Unravel Your Year - Susannah Conway
Word of the Year Discovery Tool - Christine Kane

Have you chosen a word for the year?



  1. So many meanings here, and such a hopeful word - looks perfect for accompanying you throughout the year. I'm looking forward to seeing how it unfolds for you ...

  2. Great word. For my word I'm leaning towards "Now" as in now is the time or just do it. I felt I could have kept last years words of "confident action" but hopefully now follows on & keeps me from procrastinating as much.


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