Monday, 15 July 2019

Hello Monday

Hello Monday. A place to share the things happening this week. 

hello cold weather. Last week it felt like winter had disappeared and spring was on her way again, but today the temperatures have dived, thanks to a chilly wind coming from the south. The perfect excuse for turning the heater on and not moving very far from the couch.

hello dentist. I've got a broken wisdom tooth. It's been causing me some trouble for awhile now, but you know us mums, we persevere because it's easier to attend to the needs of others than ourselves. (Not to mention that dentists bring out my petrified anxiety.) But I finally summoned the courage to make an appointment with a new dentist during the school holidays for an assessment. And today I made an appointment to have the pesky tooth pulled out at the end of this week.

hello routine. With school back today, our routines are settling back into place. School, work, volunteer roles, and dad coming and going as his roster dictates.

hello journalling. I have tried to start a journalling habit so many times over the last year, but it never stuck, until now. The difference? An accountability group where we share a photo of our finished page everyday (hidden behind stickers so no one else reads the words)

hello starting. One of the things I've been writing in that daily journalling is to just start. So today I finally did.

hello Monday, a new start every week.

1 comment

  1. Hello Cate! I'm with you on the dentist issue, just making my six monthly check up raises my blood pressure! So sorry to hear you have to have something major done at the end of the week, you're a brave girl for booking that appointment. But the pain of a bad wisdom tooth must be horrendous so it will be worth it in the end. I shall be thinking of you - good luck!


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