Monday, 6 January 2020

Hello 2020

hello Monday is about changing the Monday-blahs to Monday-yays by embracing the positive, and sharing goals, thoughts and plans for the week ahead.

hello first Monday of the New Year. 

Waiting for some new software to download, so decided to take unexpected action and write.

hello school holidays. 

Only 3 weeks left before the start of the new school year. I'm sure now that routines are starting to return we'll find our normal again.

hello FORWARD. 

If you're on my newsletter list, I shared my word for 2020 before Christmas. If not, my word is FORWARD.

Cultivate wasn't very good for me, because I let the busyness of the juggle get in the way, instead of focusing on each individual action.

FORWARD feels like just the reminder that every little action adds up to the end goal that I need right now.

hello GoodReads. 

I've had an account on GoodReads for a long time, but look at it maybe once a year, and never really understood how to use it.

But on a quiet afternoon in that lull week between Christmas and New Year I followed a link, and spent some time poking around, adding books from my 2019 finished list, updating books I'd marked as "want to read" years ago, and creating lists for 2020.

And I discovered that Kindle and AudioBooks auto-sync, so no more forgetting what I've read by not writing it down (although I'm still writing, because I like to see the list in my bullet journal)

hello work. 

It still sounds so weird to say "I work" out loud. While the kids have got 3 weeks until school starts, I've got 2 weeks until I head to work, and my volunteer roles kick in again.

hello goals. 

I've done a lot of work figuring out how to do goals over the last couple of years - make them habits, make them have purpose, "projectify" them.

But it wasn't until I read a post from Jennifer Wilson at Simple Scrapper over the weekend that something clicked and I realised I could do all that, and make my goals quantifiable, and still meet my goals.

I spent a good couple of hours after that, figuring out which areas were important, making the goals big enough that they seemed slightly out of reach, but not overwhelming, and that they touched on the things that are important to me right now.

Now, I'm excited for the next step.

hello Monday, a new start every week.



  1. How good to see a new blog post from you Cate - Happy New Year!
    Will you be sharing the goals you have set yourself? Good idea to keep them just slightly out of reach so they are attainable but you still get that sense of achievement once you reach them.

  2. Also - I keep wondering if you are being affected by those horrendous fires that we are seeing on our news bulletins? It's hard to believe what we are seeing - keep safe x

  3. Lovely to see you posting again, and hope you and your family are all Ok in your part of the world. Every time we see a map of Australia here it looks as if half of it is in flames :(. Great to hear your positivity and stepping out into the year in ways you feel are going to be do-able. As my grandmother used to say "More power to your elbow!".

  4. Happy New Year! I like your word for the year. Mine is "Connection". I might need to check out Good Reads but I have so many books on by TBR list already. Will check out the goal setting post you mention. I've got goals in mind that I need to write up properly. I've also just nominated you for a Special Blog Award - Catch-up with you next month!


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