Thursday 20 November 2014

stocking stuffers for the men in your life

If the man in your life is anything like mine, he has no idea what he wants when you ask, because he always buys what he needs when he needs it. It makes gift-buying very hard! So as I've been browsing to create my other lists, I've kept a sharp eye out for suitable items for him.

it's my mug from Maxwell & Williams

whiskey stones from Atticus Fox

man candle in sawdust from Atticus Fox

Stanely vacuum flask from Kitchenware Direct

Rubber mallet from Bunnings


1 comment

  1. For my DH, I've got one go-to for the holidays: Original scent Old Spice aftershave. It's only available during the holidays. Unfortunately my daughter usually gets him that. But then we're even because I usually buy whatever I want/need, too.


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