Friday 22 January 2010

5 {blogs} on Friday

If you're a scrapper, you probably already read Ali, Cathy, Stacy, Emily, Shimelle, maybe Lain, Elizabeth D, Elizabeth K, Elise, Kelly, Julie. If you're a fellow Blogging for Scrapbookers alum, then you already read Mel, Sian, Amy, Kate, Deb, Stacey (I can't remember every blog I read, I have almost 300 in my google reader, these are just the names I remember from class, and I'm surprised I still remember them, some days I can't remember my kids names!) Today I wanted to share some new-to-me blogs... you may have already met them, you want to meet them, you may never want to meet them again. Happy clicking!
  1. Small Notebook - Last weekend I came to the conclusion that I need to make myself a home notebook. The most recent post about just jumping in and getting projects done sings to my word CHANGE and the leap we are in the middle of making (more on that next week)
  2. Steady Mom - the tagline for this blog is "on the journey toward intentional, professional motherhood" Motherhood is a "big job", and the idea of approaching it like a "paid job" is one that mildly appeals to me as I approach the end of my sanity as the start of the new school year finally approaches.
  3. Simple Mom - every now and again this blog pops up when I'm searching for something. Maybe I should just subscribe to it, then I'll never miss a thing.
  4. Maternal Dementia - I love reading "mommy bloggers", they put my life into funny words!
  5. New Urban Habitat - I'm not quite sure what I aspire to in my goal to CHANGE our lives to be more sustainable, but this blog appears to be a nice place to explore, and start figuring out what I want, and it reinforces the idea that we don't have to move to the country to make it happen!
Now I've shared some of my list, can you share some of yours? Can someone share photography blogs with me? Or other blogs on sustainable city living? Or organising?


  1. Aw, Cate. You are so sweet. :o)

    I love the idea of sharing a list of blogs. I'll put together a post like this and put it on my blog this weekend. Thanks for the inspiration. xo

  2. Excellent idea about recommending blogs - hope I remember to do it :)

  3. Thanks for mentioning me! I'm also looking forward to checking out the one blog you listed that I've never read.

    - Abby @ New Urban Habitat


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