Monday, 18 January 2010

{53 Mondays}

challenge 2 for Log Your Memory
(only a few days late ~lol~)
template - sugarplum paperie
kit - katef - crooked creek
(sorry, I don't know where I downloaded it from)
fonts are Diesel, Nueva Std, Lucida Sans Typewriter

I've decided that {53 Mondays} will be for sharing my crafty adventures, not just scrappiness. The theory is that it will make me actually take the time to create something each week. I've got a few ideas for craftiness this week, if the little boy lets me play with paper and fabric, otherwise I might explore photoshop a bit more (something I can do with him sitting on my lap)


  1. I'm really liking your digi pages this year :-) Good luck with the crafting!

  2. And, love how you have your weekly menu in the sidebar .... great idea!

  3. Great page Cate..I'm in awe of anyone who does digi.


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