Saturday 27 February 2010

handmade Christmas - taggie blanket


 Silly me, I updated to the "new" blogger post editor a couple of days ago (I think it's been around for a few months, but I'm very slow at discovering these things), and I'm having no end of dramas figuring it all out. It might mean I have to get serious about using LiveWriter, which I downloaded during Blogging for Scrapbookers, but have never used. {speaking of Shimelle, did you see her new class offering? No prizes for guessing who signed up, my stash is over a year old, so I'm hoping it will spark some new uses for "old"}

So, the first project up is a taggie blanket for bubba. I've seen tutorials for these in various places - Chica and Jo, and a few others. They are easy to make, and make a great simple gift idea. Mine make a scrunchy noise, much loved by Riley!

First, cut your materials. I used one layer of flannel, 6.5" square, one layer of cotton print 6.5" square, one layer of "scrunchy" material (in this case, I bought space blankets off ebay. The material is fragile, and tears easily, but holds up to baby slober [and therefore washing] and makes an awesome scrunchy noise. I found this tutorial via One Pretty Thing this morning, where she used cellophane [loving the triangle shape, might try that myself!]) 6.5" square and 8 lengths of ribbon of varying textures about 2" long.

Pin ribbon to the flannel square, two lengths on each side, at about 2.25" and 4.5" (to allow for .25" seam allowance) Make sure loops of ribbon lay inwards to the centre, so they poke outwards once you turn everything right way out. I make sure the pins poke out past the edge of the flannel, to make them easier to take out later.

 Then add your cotton layer, making sure your pattern is facing inside to the ribbon (I had to triple-check this, but I had helpers)

 Place the space blanket layer last. Because it is fragile, I only used four pins, one on each side.


Sew all the layers together. In the past, I haven't been a careful sewer, but I took my time with this, and it showed in the finished piece.

 Turn your piece right way out (I sewed from ribbon to ribbon the second time, leaving a good gap... the kids could hear me from downstairs swearing when I was trying to turn the first one ~lol~) Being the lazy mum that I am, I didn't iron the material flat, but if you want your final layer to sit neatly, ironing will make it neater and easier to topstitch.

Topstitch all around, ensuring to turn the open corner inwards. I find it easiest to pin it together, and then it looks neat when it's finished. (If I had ironed it, it would be neater ~lol~)

Finished item! This is the second one I made for Riley, and he loves them all! I enjoyed the process so much that I'm going to make a few extras (Steve had some silly idea about making some and selling them, but I don't know if I would go quite that far!), but I'll definately be gifting some!

Please link me up if you have a go at these, I'd love to see what you make!

{I've decided to theme each month's gifts, so far I'm researching gifts for males, things to create with kids art, decorating candles, album gifts, and I've got an idea for using Emily Falconbridge's wet felting technique! Please add any ideas you'd like to see}



  1. love it! the ones i am doing have a fleecy material on one side satin on the other. I bought a couple for Kurtis off ebay and he preferred these. So I am now making them for all my friends who are preggers, and at the moment there are a lot of them. lol

  2. This is an adorable idea, Cate! I can't wait to go to the next baby shower I'm invited to because this will definitely be part of my gift for baby!


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