Thursday 11 March 2010

from little things...

... big things grow. I can hear the song running around in my head now. Here is a youtube video, I can't seem to get it to paste into my editor.

Here's a layout I just "whipped up" (one of the benefits of digi-scrapping is the ability to sit at the computer doing other stuff, and create a page in the process... I just have to figure out how I'm going to print out all these layouts, but that's for another day)

Some of you might recognise this template - it's Kate's template from Liberty Elements, cause I won her giveaway last week! I knew as soon as I heard that I had to get this template, because I'm so obsessed with taking photos of Riley's feet (I have grand plans to include stamped images of his feet in his album - I say grand plans, because I didn't stamp his feet until he was 3wks old, and haven't done it since)

Papers are from The Digi Files #15, Heather Roselli.

Journaling reads - From little things big things grow. And despite what the doctors said, you were a relatively small baby. And one day you will grow up to be big. But please stay my sweet little baby boy for just a bit longer. We haven't decided if you will be our last, but you are my first boy, and I want to enjoy that while I can. It's a new adventure for all of us, this thing called Riley, and we love him to bits, and so far, we've enjoyed the journey of watching you grow.

NB - we are a blended family, Douglas has a different mum (now deceased), Riley is the first boy I have birthed. (I love it when people [like the lady at the supermarket this morning] tell me how alike my kids are...)


  1. WOW!! This is FAB!!!!!!! I love it! thanks for making my template look so awesome! Can I link it up on my site? I like having example pages!

  2. oh and with regards to kids looking similar...I have a friend who looks more like her step-dad than her real birth mother!!!

  3. This layout is precious!

    Funny because I always thought all your kids looked alike too. :o) My sister's two kids are adopted and people tell her all the time that they look "just like" her or her husband and she loves that!


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