Sunday, 7 March 2010

today you are three


you are slowly settling in at daycare
at bedtime, you ask dad if he will be home when you wake up in the morning
you love being a little sister, and all the nuisance value that entails
you still sing "jingle bells" to Riley if he cries
you follow dad around like a shadow "helping" him
you are 94cm tall (37 inches)
you love watermelon, chocolate and chippies with blue (bbq) sauce
you love watching scooby doo, yo gabba gabba, dora and diego and super why
you don't want day sleeps, but you need them (and so does mum!)
you put your own shoes on when we go out (on the wrong feet every time!)

happy birthday, super hero big girl!



  1. I'm sending best birthday wishes :)

  2. Putting shoes on the wrong feet consistently is a sign of creativity!!!! Happy Birthday Nat!!

  3. I hope she had a super fun birthday. She is gorgeous.

  4. Hey Cate! You are a winner! Checkout Liberty Elements! :)

  5. Happy birthday to your girl! What a cute picture this is. :o)


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