Monday, 8 March 2010

{53 Mondays} #10 - the truth is....

... it's in a terrible, horrible mess!!


the rail in the front is full of thickers (remembering I haven't scrapped or really shopped for almost a year)
behind that rail is another full of rub-ons, and lots of random chipboard that has never been touched since purchase.

the rail at the back has bling, flowers and more random chipboard/mdf/metal packets. often raided by scrapping children. the front rail is buckets of paint brushes (and all the teeth lost by big kids so far, I had grand plans to scrap them, but never noted exactly which hole they came from... third time's a charm they say, so I'll have it figured by then!), silk flowers, pinking shears (and usually all other cutting appliances) I forget what the bucket on the other end has in it. you can also see my canvases which don't have wire for hanging off the wall yet (it's only been three years, can't rush these things!)


my scrapping tote that the beautiful Amanda made me for my birthday last year. when I'm working on a project I fill it with the tools I'm using, and it always has the basics in it (files, hole punches, five types of adhesive at last count, glimmer mist, dimensional magic, journaling pens, pencils and erasers, scissors, craft knife, four rulers)

the shelf of stuff-to-be-turned-into-mini-albums and beyond the page projects

the shelf of buttons, and brads, and flowers, and doo-dads, and BTP projects to finish

baskets with completed mini albums and cards
3 ring albums - green album on left, current[ish], green AC, design your life (only four layouts inside)
black and pink , full, blue post bound, full (my very first album!) pink AC on right set up for p365 last year, but never used (I should add that I don't scrap cronologically, and I don't put layouts in my albums cronologically, either. Both the kids and I get lots of pleasure from turning the page and wondering what's next and talking wild walks down memory lane!)

box of scraps, some project magazines, and albums waiting to be filled

the bottom shelf of this unit is empty, more on that at the end

I have the original Sizzix red machine. I have never used the original Sizzix red machine. When it arrived, I couldn't make the sizzlets alphabet work (it kept sticking to the magnet, and cutting in 500 spots), so I put it away and left it on the shelf (the machine actually sits on my desk, this is the sizzlets, etc) oh, look, these my hole punch! I thought I had one, couldn't find it, and bought another! (this shelf also contains my radio, with no lead, and bottle of coloured sand bought in the very early 80's [probably 81/2] and what looks to me to be a box of pins)


stamps, embossing powder, glue pad, white staz-on, coloured staz-on, stampin' up ink spots, flocking
most of the stampin' up stamps have never been used, I have played with flocking and embossing, and glue pads, but didn't realise I needed to ink the white staz-on pad before use. I have another box of the studio g alphas I use all the time, but have never used this box full.

random stuff - paints, CM personal trimmer (never used) xyron refill, small accordian file, old diary, texture paste (gesso is in the cupbrad above the fridge - one of the problems with NOT using my room is I tend to leave things laying around, then need to shove them up high away from little hands and often forget to go back and put them away properly)

kits. and unfinished projects. and probably bags of stuff bought and not unpacked. I'm embarrased to say I have no idea what is in here. 

photo albums, work-in-progress folders (that have been filled and waiting for over a year!), wool waiting to be sent to a friend, binders and diaries from last year waiting to be put away properly.

baskets waiting to be sorted/put away, fake flowers for a project, inspiration board, the red tube is Riley's commemorative birth certificate (or it might be Natalie's), and that green thing on the right is an insect catcher. I have no idea why it is still in the scrap room, it arrived and has never left.

books and magazines. the spiral books on the right are class notes ( from My Freedom, No Place like Home, a photography class from two peas, and random bps/2peas classes - I haven't printed out all my class notes lately, and won't print out repeat classes like JYC and LSNED, but will put class notes in binders double-sided now I know  how to do it)
now we're up to my desk - this is where things get embarassing!

my cardstock racks. I bought these from a shop that was relocating (and has since closed completely) in front is a pile of AC albums purchased and not put away (there seems to be a recurring theme happening here) The green basket is empty, waiting to be filled with stuff for the kids to use when they scrap.


my stool. I'm a standing scrapper, but sometimes the old bones need a rest! pizza boxes contain pre-Christmas projects... that haven't been put away! basket on top is random bits collected and rescued

paper racks. My desk was purpose built for me, and has racks on both side. this side has basic grey, kaisercraft, urban lily, daisy bucket, my mind's eye, 3 bugs in a rug (all favourites), and a random selection of making memories, october afternoon, pink paislee and my little shoebox (bought to see what all the fuss is about) there is another paper rack on the other side, but it is currently empty as I pretend to sort out my stash (started while nesting, and still an ongoing project)

And lastly, the top of my desk. This is embarrasing. but there is also a very valid reason. My scrap room floods when it rains. The bozo who built this house built the front door 2' under ground level, then backfilled garden beds right up against the brick wall. Can anyone say "osmosis"? Even I, who failed year 8 science, knows that when one porous, wet material touches another, porous dry material the wet will slide on through the dry, making it wet! And it's been raining here on and off for weeks. 

In May of 2009 we actually had a severe flood through the whole city, and we, particularly my scrap room, were badly affected. We scooped everything up off the floor that wasn't damaged, placed it on the desk, and there it has stayed. We've actually had so much rain just in the last two weeks that the room has again flooded, and we've decided to take the drastic action of emptying everything out and starting again! We'll get a shelving system from Ikea that doesn't touch the ground (or is metal), the desk can be cut down to the right height, and I can scrap again!

I haven't included pictures of my ribbon stash (contained in a messy plastic box), or my fabric stash (contained in a neat plastic box), or the inside view of my wheeled tote (still packed fromt he last crop I went to, in April or May of last year!), or the shoe organiser on the back of my door, filled with my punches (except those currently sitting on my desk) or the random piles of stash located in various places (mostly the kitchen/dining room, where I work to be close to the kids)

This post is brought to you by Shimelle's new class (click the image to get more info)



  1. Hi Cate, scrappysue dropping by from Shimelle's. Oh I can so relate to the stash overflow! I have plenty of stuff I have never touched, hopefully Shimelle will sort us out, LOL! And I know what you mean about floods, well we live on the 34th floor, but when it rains, water comes into my scrappy room, so I have to take everything off the floor (the big filing system). Its a right pain.

    See you in class!

  2. a girl can never have too many rulers!! LOL Have fun in the class-see you there

  3. That's quite a collection you've got there! I love the idea of spiral binding your class notes..that's something I really need to think about!

  4. Hiya I enjoyed your post and your amazing honesty! I was a coward and only took a few pics of my stash and none of the unorganised chaos! Loof forward to seeing you in class xxx

  5. This made me lol :-) I kept scrolling down and there was more, then even more, then yet more....! So relieved that I'm not the only one to have accumulated so much 'stuff'! Can't wait to see what you do with it all :-)

  6. I love your rails! We are all going to have a great time in this class!

  7. Great stash and really like the use of the buckets. Anesha

  8. I need to lie down after seeing all of your fantastic stash! At least you know you have plenty to work with during class :-) Spiral binding class notes is a great idea.

  9. Drooling over yourthickers, and your magazine collection.


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