Sunday, 19 September 2010

anatomy of a blog

a short series of posts, explaining some of the changes made to my blog recently.

If you've been visiting my blog for awhile now, you would have noticed that I don't have a blogroll. There's a couple of reasons for that - firstly, because I read lots of scrapping and crafting blogs, I figure if you read my blog, you probably read the same scrapping and/or crafting blogs.

Secondly, I don't like the "you-follow/link-to-me-and-I'll-follow/link-to-you" feeling that can permeate some blogs (and I HATE being asked to follow/tweet/share on facebook-or-blogs to enter a competition!). If I want to follow/subscribe or link to a blog, I don't expect a link in return (although it would be nice, and I get a little thrill when I see my blog on someone's blogroll). I also wondered if it was worth the "blog space" used when most people read blogs through a blog reader these days (that's why I developed my theory of at least one link in every blog post)

Then I read an interesting post on Meylah that made sense to me. And I decided to add a blogroll. So, click out of your reader (and check out my updated blog header), and click on the blogroll button over to the right (it looks like the button at the top of this post) I've set up my blogroll as a separate page, and it has a nice mix of scrapping, thinking, baking and making blogs.

And while you're exploring, why not share a link to a blog that has made you smile this week?

ETA {7.45pm} link all fixed, thanks for letting me know.


  1. Love your new blog banner . . . your kids look so happy! By the way, I've been meaning to tell you that I was reading the post with the pic of your baby crying many days ago and at the time my youngest was sitting next to me. She saw it and said, "Aw, that baby is sad. It's okay baby." She asks me at least once a day if she can see the picture of "that baby" crying. She's very concerned. It's kind of sweet! :)

  2. Oh. My. Gosh! I LOVE your new banner photo, Cate. That is so dang adorable!!!

    Tried to look at your blog roll but the button isn't working for me. ? Will check back later. And, BTW, I'm with you - hate when people have you tweet/facebook/post on your blog for extra chances in a giveaway! xo

  3. It's not working for me either, but I'll come back. I do collect the blogs I read together in my Reader, but I use the Google Reader "next" button to view them, that way you are coming right through to the blog and seeing the whole thing. For me, the blog design and look add to the experience and I like to check out blogrolls to see what new blogs I might be missing out on.


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