Thursday, 23 December 2010

happy Christmas Eve Eve!

* * * * * * * * Santa Alert * * * * * * * *

Today is going to be a huge day of shopping for me. Which will mean that, yet again, I'll be up well past midnight on Christmas Eve, wrapping presents, making tags, setting them under the tree, not sleeping well, then being woken by excited kids well before the sparrows wake up... but I guess it wouldn't really be Christmas if I didn't do it that way (I'll share my plans next week for making sure 2011 is finished by December 1st) Here's a peek into my shopping list for today.

for a small girl I know

for a small boy I know

for a big boy I know

big girl and boy are getting one of these

dad wants some of these

and one of these
(the bag, not the bloke)

I can't find images for what mum wants - besides books, there isn't a lot on mum's list.

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