Monday, 20 December 2010

Christmas survey

{found here}

the 25 stones of christmas

  1. wrapping paper, or gift bags? wrapping paper. I had this goal two months ago to use kraft/butchers paper and red and silver ribbon, but it hasn't happened, so I'm going with a red and white theme this year.
  2. real tree or artificial? artificial. Real trees dry out and die too quickly in the heat, so we have a plastic tree.
  3. when do you put the tree up? first weekend of December, when Chloe is home with us
  4. when do you take the tree down? January 6th, otherwise the goblins can get in!
  5. favourite gift as a child? the only gifts that I can remember clearly are the beach towels that we got every year.
  6. hardest person to buy for? Steve
  7. easiest person to buy for? Natalie. she just wants a talking Barbie this year.
  8. mail or email cards? mail. they went in the post today
  9. favourite Christmas movie? The Santa Clause
  10. when do you start shopping for Christmas? I'd like to say months ago, but it was two weeks ago.
  11. have you ever recycled a Christmas present? no
  12. favourite thing to eat at Christmas? pavlova
  13. coloured or clear lights on the tree? coloured
  14. favourite Christmas song? driving home for Christmas, or the little drummer boy
  15. travel, or stay at home? we stay at home
  16. angel, star or ribbon on top of the tree? we have a silver star, kids decorate the tree, mum puts the star on top
  17. open presents Christmas Eve, or Christmas Day? I've never opened a present on Christmas Eve... in fact, we get dressed and eat breakfast before opening anything on Christmas Day!
  18. most annoying thing about this time of year? being stalked in the car park by drivers wanting my spot - I've got at least one child and a pram to get in, and now it's holidays there's six to get tucked safely inside!
  19. what do you want for Christmas this year? I want a treadmill. It's arriving on Wednesday evening
  20. traditional (red and green) colours, or other colours? I try to have a theme, but couldn't decide this year, so have fallen back on red and white. Our tree is a kid-hodge-podge of ornaments (mostly special ornaments this year)


  1. I have a Steve...he's my hardest to buy for, too!

  2. Fun survey. I don't do themes for colors on trees or decorations. Mine is also a multi-mash of ornaments through the years and kids crafts.

    HayleyK (SwapBot)

  3. Cool survey! I'm jealous...I want a treadmill. I guess Santa didn't think I was good enough for one this year! :)

    yellowhallstudio (swapbot)


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