Monday, 24 January 2011

a project for February

If you visit my blog page regularly (not through a reader), you might have noticed the addition of some buttons amongst my buttons - something like this

A couple of weeks ago, I was bursting to scrap, but I just shuffled paper around because I didn't have any photos handy. I took photos of the layouts in two albums in an attempt to inspire myself, but started cleaning my scrap room instead. I've been thinking about signing up for LOAD for months (and am very excited about MotherLoad at BPS in the July!) Last week I finally did it.

Now, you might be shaking your head, sighing to yourself that I never finish anything, so I won't finish this. You might be right, I might not finish. But I'm going to give it my best shot. I WANT to play with paper. I want to put my stories in albums for the kids to look at. I want to cut paper up and stick it down with photos.

And I started today. I know, it's not February 1st yet. But if I'm going to make this work, I have to start.

{quote found at Elise Blaha's blog}

Over the last year, I've purchased some Basic Grey kits. The kits came every two months for a year, with two double layouts in each one, created from new release products. I've created two double layouts so far, and have decided that in an attempt to practice creating for LOAD, I'm going to work on one double layout every day between now and the end of the month.

Here is the first double layout. Please excuse the crappy photo, I wanted to get finished and blogged, and it's getting late. My plan when I woke up this morning was to create my layout this morning, but I enjoyed my kid-free day too much, and didn't start the layout until everyone was home again this afternoon.

The paper range is Wander, and the layout was designed by Greta Hammond.


  1. that first day of kids free is ace isnt it & Ive only got one kid to do my head in!! lol
    Glad you found time to scrap though. Im full of good intention to scrap but still cant actually settle to do some :(

  2. Can't wait to see what you create during LOAD! Thanks so much for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment!


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