Monday, 2 May 2011

wellness | motivation

Oh, dear. I'm failing myself here. For the first two weeks of April, I exercised every day, was mindful of what I ate (eating smaller portions, but not changing the foods I eat), but in the lead up to school holidays and Easter that changed.

I'm frustrated with meals and food. I was very good with sticking to my menu plan for the first two weeks of the month. But even with a menu plan visible to the entire household, I still get asked five/six/seven times a day "what's for dinner?" (especially by Steve!) And I haven't changed many of the foods that I'm eating, just significantly reduced the amount I eat (and I only ate two small eggs on Easter Sunday, and up until today only ate 1 or 2 each day). But reducing the amount of food that I'm eating is only leaving me tired and un-energetic and feeling sick and hungry. Not helping me change bad eating habits and making better ones.

I remember sitting at home watching daytime television with Chloe when she was about three. The ad breaks were saturated with diet company adverts, Weight Watchers and Jenny Craig and Lite'n'Easy and probably others as well. Chloe turned around to me and said "I need to go on a diet, mum, I'm fat." I vowed then and there to not become obsessed with numbers and size, for myself and for my daughter.

And then we live with the spectre of Douglas' mum, Steve's first wife, who passed away in 2005 from a blood clot in her lung. She was unwell at the time, and was diagnosed after death with a chronic illness, and was also carry extra baby-weight that she was struggling to lose; all contributing factors to her untimely death, and an ever-present reminder in our house that saying "it won't happen to me" is no way to guard against "it" ever happening.

There's a little piece of me that thinks that wanting to get healthy for the kids and myself isn't enough. That wishes I had the support of my husband in making these changes. Yes, I understand the theory that "I'm the size I'm supposed to be", after all, I've been telling my almost-13 year old that for the last 5 years. But this is my long-term health we're discussing. And I can't do it on my own.

Does your partner support your wellness efforts?


  1. Oh, Cate! First, I LOVE that exercise photo and really need to put that up in my exercise room. Second, I'm cheering for you from my corner of Texas. Third, I'm fortunate that Robbie does support my healthy lifestyle changes - although we are both struggling to get on a consistent healthy eating & exercise routine. Hang in there!

  2. Hun, I can totally relate to what you are saying. It's hard to make the changes when DH wants to eat fried food ALL the time. I need to take a stand for me at the moment and lose some weight. It's creeping back on and I don't like it.

    I'll keep up with you if you like.


  3. Love the motivational post(er/card) - and feel your pain about trying to lose weight without upsetting teenagers carrying a little puppyfat.

    When I have been successful with weight loss (note the past tense) it has been from eating properly 3 times a day (with a small snack in the morning, afternoon and sometimes the evening too). When I skip breakfast/lunch I spend the whole morning/afternoon grazing and consume far more.

    DH is happy to eat healthily as long as there is plenty of it. I load his plate with 2, 3, 4 types of veg - and he still grabs a packet of crisps 10 minutes later (bad, bad habit).

    The added advantage of loads of veg is the high fibre content - never been so regular :P


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