Friday, 17 June 2011

right now

{sunset at Shorncliffe last Sunday}

listening to Bones on tv, and the kids laughing in the courtyard

eating a lemon tart

drinking a hot cup of tea

wearing slippers with holes just starting to form

feeling unsure, a little sad, but excited to try something new in a couple of weeks

wanting to have a couple of hours to myself

needing to figure out Douglas' costume for tonight

thinking I should walk on the treadmill

enjoying the little bit of sunshine each day

wondering why I keep wondering about someone who obviously doesn't wonder about me

What are you wondering today?


  1. Ooohhh what a beautiful photo.

  2. Love the photo :)
    Also like ur list.....great idea for a LO.
    At the moment, I am wondering if i will beable to sleep, I am soooooo excited about tommorrow.....

  3. Really pretty shot. And I'm wondering about those couple of cryptic lines in your post.


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