Thursday 8 September 2011

can I borrow that idea?

There's this little boy I know who is turning TWO in just a few days. He has these parents who have grand plans, because he is OBSSESSED with playing with mum's oven and pots and pans every night when mum is cooking.

Source: via Cate on Pinterest

this is the one we have our heart set on making.
from scratch.
from our own plans.

Source: via Cate on Pinterest

although this could be easier for us to do.

Source: via Cate on Pinterest

but we have a cupboard that we could convert, save ourselves some heartache.

Source: via Cate on Pinterest

and the colours of this one definately scream "boy!
I haven't even thought about colour, but I know I don't want pink or white
did you know that kitchen accessories are all girl-related?
but Douglas asked for kitchen stuff for his 6th birthday,
and Riley is OBSSESSED with my pots and pans

Do your kids love playing in the kitchen?



  1. Those are awesome! Ikea has great non-girly pots and pans and other kitchen accessories for little hands!

  2. Yes, the Ikea ones are brilliant. This is going to be a wonderful present. When I was little I had a little wooden dresser for cups and plates which my Grandpa had made for my mum. It was a real favourite of mine. I can't wait to see the finished version!

  3. What a brilliant present, far superior to the plastic one my daughter had.

  4. What a great project that will be; you've found such fun inspiration pieces.


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