Wednesday, 5 October 2011

100 days to Christmas | lunch traditions

Growing up with an English heritage during the 70s and 80s meant that Christmas lunch wasn't complete without a roast turkey, veg and plum pudding. Fortunately, spending many years in Melbourne meant that it often rained on Christmas Day, reducing the heat! Since moving to Queensland and having my own family I've established my own Christmas lunch traditons.


Cold ham, cooked prawns with dipping sauces, roast veg and green veg and turkey with gravy.


Pavlova with (or without) fruit, depending on your age.
I've recently realised that none of my children have ever had Christmas pudding.
(although I usually make a sticky date pudding, as well, which is loved by all!)


The only photo of food this year, I must have been enjoying myself too much.


The first year I served hot ham. Well-received by all, having another go at it this year.


The first whole turkey I have cooked for almost ten years.
And this year it was averting a frozen-turkey disaster at 8pm on Christmas Eve!

What does Christmas lunch look like at your place?



  1. Very traditional here, but then we do have the weather for it! Turkey, roast potatoes and usually a smoked salmon starter

  2. Even in Spain last year, we had the traditional turkey dinner...and funnily enough we have pavlova as dessert too (my mum makes a fab pavlova, though she makes a trifle too and it all gets scoffed!)
    Alison xx

  3. Our staples on Christmas are turkey (& sometimes ham, too), dressing, giblet gravy, green bean casserole, praline sweet potatoes, rolls, deviled eggs, pecan pie, and pumpkin pie. We often have other items as well, but these tend to show up every year.

  4. We usually do a cold platter lunch. Ham, turkey (roll), pork, chicken and ham. Prawns often too.
    Salads, plus I bake some goodies.
    We must have crown mint slice and apricot balls. I usually make some biscuits too.
    Dessert is usually Pav and fruit salad and Trifle if Brian can con someone into making one (his fave).


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