Tuesday, 1 November 2011

100 days to Christmas | ten favourite movies

Today I have a guest post from Alison. She's sharing her favourite movies, and trying not to watch them before it's time!
I LOVE Christmas! I love everything about it......the sparkly lights, the Christmas trees,the ornaments, the smells, the music.....I could go on, but today I'm going to share with you my favourite Christmas films (movies).

I have to explain that, in our house Christmas starts mid-November...not that the tree and decorations go up at that point.....but the Christmas CDs and DVDs are certainly out and being played. To me, there's nothing like sitting down with a cup of coffee (with the smell of a Yankee Candle burning in the background) and watching a feel-good Christmas movie!

In preparation for writing this post, I pulled out my box of Christmas DVDs and then had to force myself 
a) not to start watching them AND
b)choosing my favourites!!
Cate suggested I might want to do a post on 'grown-up' movies and then one on 'childrens' ones....but for me, my favourites are a mix! 

So here are my TOP TEN CHRISTMAS 'MUST SEE'S (in no particular order!)

1. THE GRINCH.....who couldn't help but fall in love with Cindy Lou Who and the Christmassy Whoville- certainly the Grinch couldn't!

2. THE PREACHER'S WIFE....the remake of the old 'classic' THE BISHOP'S WIFE. This one stars Whitney Houston and Denzel Washington and, although I like the original, it's the music in this version that makes it extra special...especially the song 'WHO WOULD IMAGINE A KING'- it has become one of my favourite Christmas songs!

3. THE MUPPET CHRISTMAS CAROL......there are lots of good versions of the Dickens book, but for us this is SO good- great humour and music...and I STILL cry at the end!

4. MIRACLE ON 34TH STREET.....I have the original, but the remake is the one I watch most often. I love Richard Attenborough as Santa and Mara Wilson as Susan, the daughter....and yes, I cry at the end of this too!

5. THE POLAR EXPRESS......the actual story is just so wonderful, as is the animation (though the North Pole and Father Christmas are not what were ever in my imagination!).....and, yet again I love the songs in it...the theme tune (BELIEVE), sung by Josh Groban is spine-tingling and has become another favourite of mine!....and yes, you guessed it- I cry at the end! 

6. ELF.....what's not to love about Will Ferrell's portrayal of the human, brought up at the North Pole as an elf who goes off to NYC to find his father!

7. HOME ALONE......a bit of a cheat here, as I've included the second one (LOST IN NEW YORK) too! As children, my  two just  loved watching Kevin ward off the 'baddies' and living it up in the Plaza Hotel in NY. Me?...I just wanted their house for that staricase!

8. WHITE CHRISTMAS....what can I say? A classic...in fact probably the first Christmas movie I ever saw....it was on on Christmas Day in the UK for years...it still should be, as far as I'm concerned!

9. THE SANTA CLAUS....I  love how the North Pole is portrayed in this - just as it has always been in my mind! 

10. IT'S A WONDERFUL LIFE'.....you didn't think I could miss THIS one out, did you? A real weepie, but wonderful reminder of the part we all play in so many lives.....and, of course I CRY!!

Well, now you know my favourites.....I wonder if yours are among them? I would love to know ...and if there are any I don't have and should add to my collection!
My name is Alison McInnes....born and brought up in Scotland, but living for the past three and a half years in rural Spain. Married to my first love, and mum to Kirsty (22 and studying in Barcelona) and Stuart, who sadly died seventeen years ago.
I've always kept photograph albums, and discovered 'scrapbooking' in 2003. I was totally hooked!...what's not to love...all that pretty paper and embellishments PLUS preserving all these memories for future generations (not to mention myself, when I'm old and doddery!).  I started blogging early this year at   www.alisonslife-in-the-slow-lane.blogspot.com and love the blog community- there is so much support and friendship out there!
 Thank you for sharing your favourite movies, Alison!


  1. The Preacher's wife is a new one to me - the others are well loved here too. I love reading The Grinch out loud to anyone who will listen as well! A great selection

  2. Great selection :) a few in the box I must seek out and love how u have Love Actually in there.....I never see that as a Xmas movie for some reason!! Have to say Santa Claus The Movie is my all time favourite....I watch it every year and actively seek it on the telly box which drives the boss mad since I own it lol

  3. Not seen the preachers wife either!! The Polar Express is one that i've watched over and over with the boys. Great selection xx

  4. Love the singing in the Praecher's Wife. One you didn't mention that I love is Nightmare Before Christmas :)

  5. My little ones love The Polar Express and Home Alone, I really like Love Actually.

  6. I love Miracle on 34th Street but I've only ever seen the remake. My children are getting to the age of liking these films so my love may well expand a little. I liked Wonderful Life but not heard of Preachers Wife so that's another one to add to the list on Love Film!

  7. Oh so many of my favorites on your list - we always start with It's a Wonderful Life. Another favorite that didn't make your list is Jingle All the Way.


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