Friday 16 December 2011

100 days to Christmas | making magical memories

linking up with Kate at Puddles and Gumboots for making magical memories

I had a crazy idea last weekend with the scouts - I decided that we'd make a gingerbread house. At least, that was the plan until I realised how many kids were present. We ended up making the dough together, then I cut stars and baked them for our parents morning tea. But it gave me the idea to try baking and icing gingerbread with the kids at home. (yeah, I know, I've been told.)

I used the Queen Royal Icing (I found that it needed more water than the instructions to get a spreadable consistency for the kids), and let them loose.

Riley enjoyed licking the icing off the biscuits, more than decorating them.

Douglas took a lot of time and care with his.

Chloe spent too much time worry about everyone else.

Natalie and Caiden had a ball.

Lana made the most, but didn't really like them.

Next week, we might try some ornaments.

Do you decorate cookies at Christmas time?



  1. we usually do cookies OR house but not both - this year i stupidly tried the house and it was an epic fail! next year back to cookies!

    Deb @ home life simplified

  2. I bake lots of cookies this time of year, but not really the kind that need decorating. This certainly looks like fun - I really like the bright colors of the icing!

  3. I made an overabundance of cookies this year for family and friends... and still more to go! I'm almost cookie-d out... BUT this year I tried my first gingerbread house and even tried to write out the recipe! They actually worked! They were mini ones but still ;) You can see them here if you like :) Also you are very brave for having so many children around so much sugar hehe

  4. I haven't tried decorating cookies with my little guy yet, but every year I do some with my 6 year old niece. I look forward to it every Christmas :)


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