Monday, 11 July 2016

Hello Monday

hello school It has been a very long two weeks here. The kids haven't been able to entertain themselves at all, and have spent most of the last week bickering and fighting. And the second Douglas got home, he joined in. I'm looking forward to some quiet today.

hello baking school is back, so we need food for the lunch boxes. And a friend shared this link to dog treats, so I'm going to get stuck in and bake for the kids and the dog.

hello morning pages I decided on Saturday that I was going to start morning pages again. It's been years since I've actually sat down and done them, but I need to get some of the noise out of my head, and this feels like a great way to get started. [Morning pages as written about by Julia Cameron in The Artist's Way are about stream of conscious writing first thing each morning "called a brain dump, as that is one of their main functions" (pg10)]

hello walking So we've been a bit slack, not taking Daisy out of the house for walks (but spending lots of time in the back yard throwing balls and letting her chase the neighbour's dog along the fence line), but Steve managed to get out early this morning and take her around the block a few times and she loved it, so we're going to try to do it more regularly. 

hello Monday, a new start every week

linking with My Home Truths and One Mother Hen


  1. Bet you're pleased to have your peace and quiet back Cate! We have another week of holidays here in NSW - so the fun continues for me :)

  2. I am about to start morning pages...I hope it helps both of us! I just got a new workbook from Julia Cameron (who I hadnt heard of till recently) and I am awaiting her newest book that resonated with what I am going through right now - retirement.

  3. Baking - yep that was me last night. I try to preempt my 3.30itis at work by baking on the weekend so I don't spend money.

  4. We are in our first week of school holidays. We've squeezed in a lot today, as it's pouring outside. I may need an intravenous wine drip by the weekend, mid week even! Those dog biscuits look like a real treat for the dog. Poh made some on her TV show(SBS) a couple of weeks ago for her dogs too.

  5. We have another week of school holidays here in Perth. I'm enjoying the lack of routine and lazy days. Although we all have major assignments due, so there is no real rest for the wicked.

  6. Yes I heard the sighs of relief all over from parents across the state!

  7. Walking makes me feel so good. I've enjoyed getting out there for Parkrun on Saturday and for walks with the kids (hunting Pokemon!) over the last two days too. It's good for my soul. Exercise definitely does help with both mental and physical health!

  8. I definitely need to start walking more. We tend to just take Holly at the dog park and hang out. I should actually walk a bit further!

  9. Hi Cate
    Hello from Tuesday afternoon because I am only just getting round to reading yesterday's posts xoxo

  10. We seem to be walking a lot with that nifty new pokemon game. I too am enjoying the back to school peace.


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