Monday, 30 May 2016

Hello Monday

hello craft retreat I'm so in need of a break from the noise of life. I'm heading away this weekend with some of the contributors to the craft blog, and a few of our readers that live locally, for 3 days of pushing around fabric, pretending to sew, eating lots of chocolate, and chatting about kids and life.

hello failed goals I completed half my goals for the month. I finished reading "The Dressmaker" for my book club, and I took lots of photos during Week In The Life™, but I didn't sort the plastics drawer, and I didn't blog every day.

hello cold weather It has finally cooled down in Queensland. We've doubled up the blankets on our beds, and turned the air conditioner off during the day, and even turned the heater on one morning last week. Yay for winter!

hello new roster We're not very happy with Steve's work at the moment. After being employed for a particular role, someone is on a cost-cutting rampage, moving people around, firing others, and leaving essential roles vacant. We're hanging in for the moment (it feels awful when you're waiting to make a decision based on someone else's actions), and reassess at the end of the month.

hello Monday, a new start every week

linking with One Mother Hen and My Home Truths 


  1. That work sitch sounds very stressful. How awful for you all, but esp for your partner - that must be very demoralising...

  2. I'm rather behind with my goals this month. I have two days to fit everything in. Not going to happen. Especially after no sleep last night.

  3. Management decisions throw everything off! I officially put the heater on this morning for the first time.

  4. Things do not sound very cheery work-wise. What a stress! I am glad its a bit cooler though.

  5. uggh. I hate that sort of thing. Hope poor Steve is okay. That sort of stress can be awful.

    Your retreat sounds wonderful! Hope that you get to recharge your batteries a little.

  6. funnily enough I wrote my Monday blog on goals and knowing when to quit and when not to. You have done better than me I sill must read my book club book. We had so much stress over my hubby's job last month and he finally got a new one 2 weeks ago that we are now trying ton adjust to, it can be very stressful. It is getting cold in Melbourne now, although at least there is sunshine today. Have a lovely week. #openslather

  7. That would be horrible, waiting to find out what happens with Steve's work. It will be nice for you to have some time out and away to recharge. I've put in an order for icy weather when I visit the family farm next week and I really hope it turns it on. We've been having decidedly summery weather up here. Have a great week.

  8. Isn't it funny how we go from needing air conditioning one day, to heaters the next. No such thing as autumn here in Bris-Vegas. Love the sound of your craft retreat and look forward to hearing all about it next week!

  9. Have a fabulous weekend! It sounds awesome.
    We've been freezing our boobs off for a while now, the heaters been on in the mornings for weeks. This morning was single figures, countable on one hand!

  10. Enjoy your weekend away Cate!


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