Monday, 9 January 2012

2012 | intentions, not resolutions

I've been trying for, well, just about a week now to write a post about resolutions intentions. I make intentions to do things, rather than resolutions, as  I find intentions to be more goal-related, whereas resolutions can fail. I got the idea from Karen Grunberg several years ago (although I don't seem to have ever linked to the post, and can't find it when searching her blog.)

I can't seem to figure out what things I intend to do in 2012. I'm currently taking part in a photo-a-day challenge, set by Chantelle over at Fat Mum Slim. I just noticed that she's planning to host a challenge each month. I may or may not play along again, but this month I will create a blurb instagram photo book at the end.

Source: via Cate on Pinterest

In February, I'll complete layout-a-day again. I'm already printing photos, and putting paper aside, and gather thoughts, and ideas, and enjoying the process.

Source: via Cate on Pinterest

Year long projects include Move More Eat Well, One Little Word, and Take Twelve. I couldn't pass up the challenge set by Ella Publishing. I love that the book comes with prompts each month, and sketches for layouts. And digital templates are available. Which I may or may not have purchased, even though my digital scrapping skills are somewhat, um, lacking.

I'm a contributing writer for a new Australian craft blog called And Sew We Craft. That means I have to write blog posts. Regularly. And craft. Regularly. Stay tuned.

But I can't figure out clearly what my intentions for this year are. Ride bikes. Laugh more. Go fishing. Bake more. Grow something. Play. Read. Sing. Date nights.

Do you have intentions (or resolutions) to guide your 2012?


  1. I feel your indecision! Its a funny thing - New Years Resolutions..I feel pressured to include things other people will find appropriate or worthy..its a lot to live up to.

    I made several 'intentions' - but mostly what I want to stick to is making sure that no matter what I am doing I have a positive intention and a smile on my face. Good luck to you!!

  2. Resolutions? They are only made to be broken! I like the idea of intentions though :)
    I have plans to do OLW and I have downloaded Take Twelve and am looking forward to that.....crossing fingers I can keep up with it :P

  3. Sounds like a great year ahead Cate. I posted what I'm planning for 2012 on my blog yesterday. I'm also in Move More Eat Well but haven't yet had much time to explore the classroom!


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