Sunday, 29 July 2012

150 days to Christmas

It's 150 149 days to Christmas today!{Ill health and a day of scrapbooking means I forgot all about this post}

Wearing all my different hats has become a juggling game. I think I'm getting the hang of balancing scouts and blog posts and other commitments, now I need to start slotting in 100 days to Christmas as well. Of course, I'll be awesome at it or I'll burn out and stick my head in the sand. Only time will tell which one is happening this year.

One area of interest that has already come from my last post is Christmas around the world. If you've experienced Christmas in a different country (either different from mine, or different from yours), then I'd love you to share your stories. I'll run these posts through December, depending on how many people are interested.

I'm also looking for posts that share Christmas treats (cakes, puddings, etc) to add variety to the weekly cookie recipes.

I've had a play around with google docs, so if you'd like to write a guest post, please fill out the information below, and I'll be in touch shortly. For any further information, email {purplecrazymum AT}


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