Monday 2 July 2012

less pinterest more do

Since retreat in April, I haven't really been feeling the need to scrap. Which sucks sometimes, because my days are so busy during the school term that being creative is probably a better use of my down time than sitting on the computer or in front of the tv (note to self - schedule some creativity time next term). I finally made it to a crop at my local shop a couple of weeks ago, but still didn't flex my creative muscles properly. In 5 hours, I only created 1 layout.

It was, however, inspired by this layout by Alissa Fast that I pinned a few weeks ago. And looking at it now makes me want to flex my muscles again. Maybe this week I will manage it.

Have you created something inspired by pinterest this week? Share in the comments.


  1. Well, if you only completed that one layout, I would say it was definitely worth it - it's beautiful!

  2. I agree with Melissa..and I really need to find some creative time too!
    Alison xx


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