Monday, 13 August 2012

less pinterest more do

I had a big baking day yesterday, getting a head start on the Christmas recipes I want to share this year. And while I was baking, I had a go at this red velvet choc chip cookie {original link}

YUM! I love red velvet in any form, so finding it in a choc chip biscuit was an extra bonus! The kids really liked them, too, the box is almost empty.

Have you been inspired by pinterest to create this week?


  1. Yes! I was! I saw some little crochet flowers made from twine and decided on a whim that I would try and crochet a mini gift basket with twine..success! I put together a little tutorial for it ( so thankyou Pinterest from me this week!

    Those cookies look DELISH!!!!! I am so hungry right now, I will refrain from licking my computer screen

  2. Those cookies look GOOD!
    Alison xx


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